ED Energy Consultancy Servicess
Our Unique
Energy Solutions
ED Energy solutions are always unique and customize solution, as we believe the demand and energy mix of every industrial , commercial and domestic client is different and thtats why we provide unque solution for your unque energy demand and thus we are able to offer you a solution which will generate in more efficent manner and will have lower payback period than conventional solar energy solution.
Through our Customize Energy solutions we enable the industries to make energy to from their own resources try and lower its energy cost and try to acheive the concept of zero energy buildings and enerygy independence .
ED Energy Experts provide Consultancy for:
• Industries and commercial sector to identify the exact energy demand, and choose the right technology and energy mix
• Possible ways to reduce the Energy cost.
• Energy Efficient Building designs to maximize the availability of energy.
• Energy Efficiency to reduce losses of the existing equipment.
ED Energy P.hD Experts are also working jointly with Universities on different research projects and bring best Energy solutions for different sectors and areas of Pakistan.